v2.3 series release notes

Included here are the release notes for all releases in the v2.2 release series.


Released: September 8, 2020 (




docker pull yugabytedb/yugabyte:

Features and changes


  • Fix OOM when running large COPY TO statements by creating new memory context for the loop over retrieved rows and resetting it after processing each row. #5205
  • Support transactional batch size for COPY FROM command with OOM fix. Batch sizes can be passed in with ROWS_PER_TRANSACTION in the COPY OPTION syntax. For an example, see Import a large table using smaller transactions #2855 #5453
  • For index backfill flags, use better default values. Set index_backfill_rpc_timeout_ms default from 60000 to 30000 and change backfill_index_timeout_grace_margin_ms default from 50 to 500. #5494
  • Remove spurious error message "0A000: Alter table is not yet supported" from CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW. #5071
  • Prevent consistency violations when a partitioned table has foreign key constraints due to erroneous classification as a single-row transaction. #5387
  • Fix restore from a distributed backup fails for tables using SPLIT INTO without a primary key. #4993
  • Fix wrong result by avoiding pushdown of UPDATE statement with the RETURNING clause. #5366
  • Improve error message when UPDATE changes partition so its clear what went wrong, fixed yb_pg_foreign_key pg_regress test for semantic merge conflict when updating primary keys and row-level partitioning. #659 #5179 #5310
  • Allow UPDATE statement to change primary key columns. #659
  • Support row-level partitioning. #5179
  • Block usage of TABLEGROUP with the SPLIT clause. For CREATE TABLE, usage is blocked in the grammar. For CREATE INDEX, if NO TABLEGROUP was provided, then presplitting for the index is allowed; otherwise, an error is issued. #5352
  • Buffered operations may share single RPC with read operation. Reducing the number of RPC calls speeds up CREATE TABLE statement. For example, the total number of RPC calls is dropped from 66 to 58 for a simple table like CREATE TABLE t(k INT PRIMARY KEY). #5177
  • Add new ysqlsh describe metacommands for tablegroups: \dgr[+] [grpname] to describe tablegroups, \dgrt[+] [grpname] lists all tables/indexes within the specified tablegroup (or within all tablegroups if grpname is not specified), and \d <table_name> is modified to include tablegroup information in the footer, if any. #5088
  • Add ALTER TABLEGROUP statements to support ALTER TABLEGROUP tablegroup_name RENAME TO ... and ALTER TABLEGROUP tablegroup_name OWNER TO .... Also changes pg_tablegroup entry corresponding to tablegroup_name to properly reflect new grpname and grpowner (if the user has proper permissions or ownership to issue the ALTER TABLEGROUP statement. #5249
  • Add support for indexes to opt out of tablegroups (NO TABLEGROUPS) or select their own tablegroup (TABLEGROUP group_name). #5293
  • For ysql_dump, enable serializable-deferrable mode by default. Add new --no-serializable-deferrable flag to disable the default mode. #5128
  • Support ALTER COLUMN type for variants that don't require on-disk changes. Specifically only allowing ALTER COLUMN type for varch(n) and varbit(n). For example, changing column type from varchar(50) to varchar(255). #4424
  • Enable USING clause in DELETE statement and FROM clause in UPDATE statement. #738 #5262
  • Support GRANT/REVOKE/ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES for tablegroups. #5087 #5160
  • Implement tablegroup query layer changes. #4525
  • Replace "Foreign Scan" with "Seq Scan" for EXPLAIN statement. #2076
  • Fix initdb when index backfill is enabled. #5027
  • Properly handle empty delete with backfill by sending appropriate messages to the client, including setting it skipped and rows_affected_count to 0. #5015
  • DROP INDEX statement invalidates table cache entry for the index table, but should invalidate the table cache entry for the indexed table. #4974
  • yb-admin create_database_snapshot command should not require ysql. prefix for database name. #4991
  • For non-prepared statements, optimize pg_statistic system table lookups and update debugging utilities. #5051
  • Correctly show beta feature warnings by default. #5322


  • For WHERE clause in the CREATE INDEX statement, return a Not supported error. #5363
  • Fix TSAN issue in partition-aware policy for C++ driver 2.9.0-yb-8 (yugabyte/cassandra-cpp-driver). #1837
  • Support YCQL backup for indexes based on JSON-attribute. #5198
  • Correctly set release_version for system.peers queries. #5407
  • Reject TRUNCATE operations when ycql_require_drop_privs_for_truncate flag is enabled. When enabled, DROP TABLE permission is required to truncate a table. Default is false. #5443
  • Fix missing return statement in error case of the SetPagingState method in statement_params.cc. #5441
  • Enable backfilling of transactional tables by default. #4708
  • Fix ycqlsh should return a failure when known that the create (unique) index has failed. #5161

Core database

  • Fix core dump related to DNS resolution from cache for Kubernetes universes. #5561
  • Fix yb-master fails to restart after errors on first run. #5276
  • Show better error message when using yugabyted and yb-master fails to start. #5304
  • Disable ignoring deleted tablets on load by default. #5122
  • [CDC] Improve CDC idle throttling logic to reduce high CPU utilization in clusters without workloads running. #5472
  • For the server_broadcast_addresses flag, provide default port if not specified. #2540
  • [CDC] Fix CDC TSAN destructor warning. #4258
  • Add an API endpoint to download root certificate file. #4957
  • Do not load deleted tables and tablets into memory on startup. #5122
  • Set the follower lag for leaders to 0 by resetting timestamp to the maximum value when a peer becomes a leader and when the peer loses leadership. #5502
  • Flow keyspace information from yb-master to yb-tserver. #3020
  • Implement meta cache lookups throttling to reduce unnecessary thrashing. #5434
  • Fix rpcz/statements links in yb-tserver Web UI when pgsql_proxy_bind_address and cql_proxy_bind_address are #4963
  • DumpReplayStateToStrings should handle too many WAL entries scenario. Also, log lines only display fields critical for debugging and do not show customer-sensitive information. #5345
  • Find the difference between the replica map and consensus state more quickly using a map lookup. #5435
  • Improve failover to a new master leader in the case of a network partition or a dead tserver by registering tablet servers present in Raft quorums if they don't register themselves. Also, mark replicas that are in BOOTSTRAPPING/NOT_STARTED state with its true consensus information instead of marking it as a NON_PARTICIPANT. #4691
  • Add YB-Master UI changes to support tablegroups and colocation. #5086
    • Adds a column to the user and index tables to display the YSQL OID information about the colocation parent table (if any).
    • For tablegroups, it displays the OID of the table's tablegroup (same as the OID present in pg_tablegroup as well as the reltablegroup column of pg_class for that relation).
    • For colocated databases, it displays the OID of the database.
    • Also, creates a table to display information about the parent tables. Wrap the names and uuid of the parent tables. Display YSQL OIDs as explained above.
  • Fix MetaCache::TAbleData::stale is not getting reset back to false. #5245
  • Do not crash yb-tserver when the op_id of the last WAL file is less than the committed op_id. #1560
  • Add yb-admin list_snapshots SHOW_DELETED flag to show deleted snapshots that are still retained in memory. #5332
  • Move read path functions to a separate file. #4944
  • Wait for yb_client_admin_operation_timeout_sec for table creation in yb-admin import_snapshot task. #5295
  • Create a cache for system-wide queries. #5043
  • Annotate access to enable_collect_cdc_metrics flag and prevent TSAN warnings. #5303
  • Raise yb-master and yb-tserver process ulimits to hard limits when appropriate. #4943
  • Add a pre-flush step, triggered by yb-master, to snapshot operations to minimize the amount of data being flushed in sync. #4718
  • Use Strand to remove intents and avoid wasting threads. #5265
  • Add metric severity level [PORT] and sever-side level-based filtering for metrics and prometheus-metrics. #4686
  • Decrease logging frequency for no local transaction status tablet from on every warning to once per second. #5035
  • Fix MonoTime subtraction implementation to return result of the operation instead of lhs. #5020
  • When dropping tables, delete snapshot directories for deleted tables. #4756
  • Set up a global leader balance threshold while allowing progress across tables. Add load_balancer_max_concurrent_moves_per_table and load_balancer_max_concurrent_moves to improve performance of leader moves. And properly update state for leader stepdowns to prevent check failures. #5021 #5181
  • Reduce default value of load_balancer_max_concurrent_moves from 10 to 2. #5461
  • Improve bootstrap logic for resolving transaction statuses. #5215
  • Avoid duplicate DNS lookup requests while handling system.partitions table requests. #5225
  • Handle write operation failures during tablet bootstrap. #5224
  • Ensure strict_capacity_limit is set when SetCapacity is called to prevent ASAN failures. #5222
  • Drop index upon failed backfill. For YCQL, generate error to CREATE INDEX call if index backfill fails before the call is completed. #5144 #5161
  • Allow overflow of single-touch cache if multi-touch cache is not consuming space. #4495
  • Don't flush RocksDB before restoration. #5184
  • Fix yugabyted fails to start UI due to class binding failure. #5069
  • On yb-tserver restart, prioritize bootstrapping transaction status tablets. #4926
  • For yb-admin commands, clarify syntax for namespace. #5482
  • Improve for-loops to avoid unnecessary copies and remove range-loop-analysis warnings. #5458
  • Apply large transaction in a separate thread if the transaction will not fit into the limit of key-value pairs. The running transaction is removed from memory after all its intents are applied and removed. #1923
  • Fix SEGV in Master UI when registering YB-TServer from Raft. #5501
  • Heartbeats process only new consensus information unless master_ignore_stale_cstate flag is disabled. #5301
  • Remove KernelStackWatchdog and use LongOperationTracker to waste less resources per thread. #5226
  • Change the default value of metric_node_name flag from DEFAULT_NODE_NAME to hostname:port. #4859

Yugabyte Platform

  • For S3 backups, install s3cmd required for encrypted backup and restore flows. #5593
  • When creating on-premises provider, remove YB_HOME_DIR if not set. #5592
  • Update to use templatized values for setting TLS flags in Helm Charts. #5424
  • For YCQL client connectivity, allow downloading root certificate and key from Certificates menu. #4957
  • Bypass CSRF checks when registering and logging in due to bug with CSRF token not being set. #5533
  • Set node certificate field to subject of CA instead of issuer of CA. #5377
  • Add option in universe creation form to control whether node_exporter is installed on provisioned nodes (including creating prometheus user + group). #5421
  • Add Microsoft Azure provider UI and related changes to Create Universe form. #5378
  • Create default network resources for multi-region deployments in Microsoft Azure if they don't exist and store for use during universe creation. #5388
  • For Microsoft Azure, use preexisting network resources. #5389
  • Set Assign Public IP correctly using the UI. #5463
  • Fix AreLeadersOnPreferredOnly times out when setting preferred zones in Edit Universe. #5406
  • Fix yb_backup.py script to remove sudo requirement and correctly change user. #5440
  • Add CSRF tokens to forms. #5419
  • Allow configuration of OIDC scope (for SSO use) as well as email attribute field. #5465
  • If Username and Password are left empty in the Custom SMTP Configuration, remove smtpUsername and smtpPassword from the payload. #5439
  • Add the UTC label to indicate cron expression must be relative to UTC. Also, add help text indicating when next scheduled job will run. #4709
  • Move the source of truth for communication ports to the universe level. #5353
  • Use appropriate range for time period (over entire step window rather than last minute) when querying Prometheus for metrics. #4203
  • Support backing up encrypted at rest universes. #3118
  • Only display "Rolling Upgrade Delay" if upgrade type is "Rolling". #5362
  • Add guarding against never-ending loop when running the yb_backup.py script and yb-server doesn't have any data directories. #5358
  • Fix metric panel displaying incorrect time interval when reloading after changing graph filter. #5294
  • Fix logging on health check script failure. #5340
  • Rename the label for enabling server-side encryption in S3 backups to Encrypt Backup for both backups and scheduled backup modals. #5273
  • Add a VM backup script that includes Prometheus backups. #5120
  • Add BackupAdmin role to authorize users to create backup and restore tasks on universes, but not given other administration privileges. #4694
  • Modify the yb_backup.py script to add "round-robin" behavior to thread allocations to better spread loads across nodes in parallel during snapshot upload or download. #4987
  • Fix the invalid yb_backup.py script behavior if --keyspace flag is not specified. #5199
  • Add subtasks to check number of pods deployed during upgrades. #5174
  • Make use of parallelism argument for yb_backup.py script. Explicitly pass the number of threads to concurrently run backup script through UI. The form defaults to the backup script default value of 8 threads if no value is provided. #5283
  • The Remove Node action should be available if the Add Node action fails. #5123
  • Add ability for user to specify the S3 backup target host that their bucket is located on. #3684
  • Check if on-premise node instance has a universe that is using it and make a link to the Universe Overview page. #4758
  • Fix Cannot read property 'displayName' of undefined error. #5267
  • Use Host Names setting is not displaying correctly in Provider Configuration page. #5252
  • Disable glob before running the cleanup of old log files. #5169
  • Schedule job for setUniverseKey should handle errors on per-customer basis. #3142
  • After Yugabyte Platform (YugaWare) restart, any in-progress tasks should be cancelled and marked as failed. #5045
  • Redirect from login back to index if session is already validated. Logout should redirect to the login endpoint. #5019
  • Fix updating of Universes list after creating new universe. #4784
  • Fix restore payload when renaming table to include keyspace. And check for keyspace if tableName is defined and return invalid request code when keyspace is missing. #5178
  • Add the ability to override communication port default values during universe creation. #5354


Released: September 15, 2020 (




docker pull yugabytedb/yugabyte:

Features and changes


  • Fixes OOM when using COPY <table> FROM <file> to load data from a large file to a table. #5453
  • Enable 2DC replication bootstrap for YSQL tables. This allows the producer to know where to start replicating from. #5601
  • Fix CREATE TABLE is 4-5x slower using Docker on Mac than not using Docker. Speeds up table creation by buffering writes to postgres system tables, caching pinned objects, and significantly reducing write RPC calls. #3503
  • Roll back the catalog version made in commit 46f3701 so that 2.3 upgrades can proceed. #5408

Core database

  • Quickly evict known unresponsive tablet servers from the tablet location cache. Applies only to follower reads. For example, when tablet servers are unresponsive or dead — not sending heartbeats to the master for 5 minutes. This could also happen after decommissioning nodes. #1052

Yugabyte Platform

  • Add search input and data sorting to the on-premises instances table list. Click arrows next to column titles to sort. Use the Search form to search multiple columns. #4757
  • Add the ability to change the user role (Admin, ReadOnly, or BackupAdmin) from the UI by an admin. Also, fix stale users list after creation or deletion of a user and disable Save buttons at Customer Profile tabs for ReadOnly users. #5311
  • Before deleting a universe, stop the master/tserver processes and release the instance so that if started again, the processes are not still running. #4953


Released: September 29, 2020 (




docker pull yugabytedb/yugabyte:

Features and changes


  • Enable pg_stat_statements extension by default. #5750
  • Clean up unused PgStatement objects on hot path after usage to avoid memory consumption. #5374
  • Fix restarting writes (INSERT and UPDATE) on transaction conflicts and avoid surfacing transaction errors to user applications. #4291
  • Enable batching of updates for YSQL procedures and functions. #5257


  • Add additional system queries (SELECT_LOCAL, SELECT_LOCAL_TOKENS, and SELECT_PEERS_TOKENS) for caching. #5753
  • Fix crash for YCQL index scan when ORDER BY columns exist in table, but not in the chosen index, and raise an error. #5690

Core database

  • Allow setting a custom replacement policy per table through yb_admin. #5368
  • Do not clean up transaction that potentially was committed. #5789 #5783 #5755
  • Fix CDC shutdown races. Moved thread pool shutdown before other CDC objects cleanup. Added explicit CDC poller clear in CDC consumer shutdown. #5583
  • Fix preparer deadlock after switching from leader to follower. #5741
  • Fix RaftGroupMetadata construction issues found using PVS Studio. #5578
  • Change rlimit flags to have at-least semantics. Only change the process soft limit if it is smaller than the limit specified by the corresponding flag value. #5715
  • Add extra logging when initializing syscatalog. #5708
  • Set default webserver_interface to rpc_bind_address IP/host component. #5320
  • Add environmental variables functionality to yugabyted. New environment variables for YSQL (YSQL_USER, YSQL_PASSWORD, and YSQL_DB) and YCQL(YCQL_USER, YCQL_PASSWORD, and YCQL_KEYSPACE). (#5499
  • Improve cleanup of aborted transactions. #5669
  • Fix dumping an empty batch by updating MaxReplicateOpId. #5679
  • Set default staleness for read from followers (using max_stale_read_time_ms) to 60 seconds. Previously, a follower could return requested data no matter how state the data is. #5590
  • Calculate the placement UUID from Raft upon tserver registration. #5558
  • Enable ignoring deleted tablets. #5122
  • Remove unreachable nodes from UI (/tablet-servers page) after nodes are removed from the cluster. #4759

Yugabyte Platform

  • Fix issue parsing multiple comma-separated addresses for rpc_bind_addresses. #5634
  • Add functionality to delete old backups after a specified time period. In the Create Backup dialog, added Number of Days to Retain Backup field. #4493
  • Combine the Platform and community Grafana dashboards. Grafana dashboard shows the node status and other panels correctly. #5707
  • Sum table sizes across all nodes of a universe. #5745
  • Fixes releasing OnPrem nodes should not delete them from the universe metadata. Fixes releasing a node should only attempt to shut down processes on that node. Nodes can be re-added using Node > Actions > Add flow. #5703 #5791 #5792
  • Add additional property to MetricsPanel to handle width of Replication graph and increase height. Aggregates replication metrics values from all tservers into an average and max value graph across all tservers. #5429 #5613 #5632
  • Update yb-client JAR version to 0.8.1. #5759
  • Stop and restart relevant services during Yugabyte Platform backup. Backups stop and restart services. Restores stop and restart Yugabyte Platform and Prometheus, if necessary. #5685
  • Authenticate API tokens even when using OAuth. This allows curl requests. #5587
  • Fix Metrics tab and columns misalignment on table page. #5582
  • Rename In Use column to Universe Name and show NOT USED if the node is not in use. #5713
  • Do not generate node certificates for custom certificates. #5545
  • Make instance name field optional for on-premises provider. #5234
  • Fix button for Metrics tab to reset active and focus state when key is unpressed. #5620
  • Add Docker- and VM-aware options to the backup script and will include Prometheus snapshots. #5120 #5615 #5612 #5614


Released: October 26, 2020 (




docker pull yugabytedb/yugabyte:

New features


  • Load data from a large file to a table using the improved COPY <table> FROM <file> statement. For details, see COPY. Improved memory management should prevent out-of-memory (OOM) issues.
  • Specify smaller transaction sizes using the COPY OPTION ROWS_PER_TRANSACTION. For an example, see Import a large table using smaller transactions.

Yugabyte Platform

  • Introducing beta support for Azure IaaS orchestration in Yugabyte Platform cloud provider configuration. (6094, 6020)
  • Yugabyte Platform operations now allow promoting a Yugabyte TServer only node to run YB-Master and YB-TServer process. (5831)

Core database

  • [YSQL] Introducing support for Event Triggers that are global to a particular database and are capable of capturing DDL events. (2379)


Yugabyte Platform

  • Enhancements to on-premises deployment workflows:
    • Do not fail universe creation if cronjobs can't be created for on-premises. (5939)
    • Remove pre-provision script requirement for airgapped installations. (5929)
    • "Sudo passwordless" in on-premises cloud provider configuration toggle is renamed.
    • Allow yugabyte user to belong to other user groups in Linux. (5943)
    • Added a new "Advanced" section in on-prem cloud provider configuration which includes:
      • Use hostnames
      • Desired home directory
      • Node exporter settings
    • Improvements to installation of Prometheus Node Exporter utility workflow. (5926)
      • The node exporter option is now available in the cloud configuration under advanced settings.
      • Supports bringing your own node exporter user.
  • Make YEDIS API optional for new Universes and no change in behavior of existing universes. (5207)
  • UI/UX improvements for YB Platform:
    • Add visual feedback when backup or restore is initiated from modal. (5908)
    • Minor fixes to primary cluster widget text issue. (5988)
    • Show pre-provision script in UI for non-passwordless sudo on-premises provider. (5550)
    • Update backup target and backup pages. (5917)
  • For YugabyteDB universes with replication factor (RF) > 3, change the default min_num replicas for even distribution of AZs across all regions. (5426)
  • Added functionality to create IPv6-enabled universe in Kubernetes. (5309, 5235)

Core database

  • Support for SQL/JSON Path Language (jsonb_path_query). (5408)
  • Remove range-loop-analysis and fallthrough errors in our code. (5812)
  • Incorrect index update if used expression result is still unchanged. (5898)
  • Various improvements to RaftConsensus tests. (4548, 5912)
  • As part of the tablet splitting feature:
    • Implemented cleanup of the tablet for which all replicas have been split for. (4929)
    • Compaction improvements (5523)
  • Improve performance for sequences by using higher cache value by default. Controlled by a YB-TServer configuration flag --ysql_sequence_cache_minval. (6041)
  • Added compatibility mode in the yb_backup.py script for YugabyteDB version earlier than v2.1.4. (5810)
  • Stability improvements to core database - make exponential backoff on lagging Raft followers send NOOP. (5527)
  • Added use of separate metrics objects for RegularDB and IntentsDB. (5640)
  • Improvements to 2DC (xCluster replication) by adding TLS support for cleaning up cdc_state table. (5905)

Bug fixes

Yugabyte Platform

  • Fix for Universe disk usage shows up empty on the universe page. (5548)
  • Fix on on-premises backup failures due to file owned by the root user. (6062)
  • Fix for a bug where user operation to perform a change to nodes count by AZ was doing a full move. (5335)
  • Fixes for Yugabyte Platform data backup script for Replicated-based installations
  • Fixes to Client Certificate start time to use UTC during download. (6118)
  • Fixes for migration if no access keys exist yet. (6099)
  • Fix to resolve issues caused by starting a YB-TServer node when another YB-Master node is down in the universe. (5739)
  • Use the correct disk mount point while calculating disk usage of logs. (5983)
  • Fixes to delete backups for TLS-enabled universes. (5980)

Core database

  • Fix for bug with the duplicate row detection that allows a unique index to get created when the table is not unique on the index columns. (5811)
  • Improve fault tolerance of DDLs and reduce version mismatch errors in YSQL. (3979, 4360)
  • Fixes to incorrect column-ids in the restored table if the original table was altered. (5958)
  • Fixes timeout bug in Yugabyte Platform when there are read replicas. This fix will ignore read replica YB-TServers when running AreLeadersOnPreferredOnly. (6081)
  • Fixes to restore of YSQL Backups after dropping and recreating a database. (5651)
  • Fixes to a bug with the duplicate row detection that allows a unique index to get created when the table is not unique on the index columns. This is fixed by setting the read time for backfill write requests to be the safe time chosen for backfill read requests rather than the hard-coded time 50. (5811)

Known Issues

Yugabyte Platform

  • Azure IaaS orchestration:
    • No pricing information provided. (5624)
    • No support for regions with zero availability zones (AZs). (5628)